cut off

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


cut off

  1. leikattu, irti hakattu, leikko-, irti leikattu, keskeyttää, lopettaa, katkaista, typistää, lyhentää, leikata pois, hakata irti, katkoa.

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leikata irti


leikko-, leikattu

leikata pois To remove via cutting.
To isolate or remove from contact.
1956 — w:Arthur C. Clarke|Arthur C. Clarke, The City and the Stars, p 37

The entranced spectator was cut off from reality as long as the adventure lasted; it was as if he lived a dream yet believed he was awake.
To stop providing funds to someone.

His parents cut him off to encourage him to find a job.

To end abruptly.

My phone call was cut off before I could get the information.

puhekieltä To interrupt (someone speaking).

That dingbat cut me off as I was about to conclude my theses.

puhekieltä To swerve in front of (another car).

A thermal cut-off.


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